Training Policies and Practices

Course Requirements

In order to successfully complete the course, students must attend all scheduled classes on time and complete all course requirements. Students who fail an exam will be asked to repeat the entire class. Students must be 18 years of age or over. Please notify the training department in advance if a student has any special needs.

Late or Unable To Attend

All courses are scheduled to start at the times indicated on the confirmation email. If a student is going to be late or is unable to attend the training, please notify us before class begins. Instructors are unable to stay after class to assist students with class materials missed due to tardiness. If a student misses an hour or more of course time due to tardiness, they will fail the course. We are unable to refund the course fee if a student fails or does not attend.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

In order to receive a refund, a cancellation notice must be submitted at least 48 hours before the class start time, either through the cancellation option on the course registration confirmation email, or by contacting the Training Coordinator at NCI employees should also provide a 48-hour notice of cancellation to their supervisor.

Be Prepared

Come prepared with a notepad, pen/pencil, a course book if one has been provided, and your current CRMA certificate if attending the CRMA Recertification course, if applicable. Many classes require hands-on skills demonstrations and require appropriate attire, including closed-toe shoes, pants (not skirts or shorts), tops appropriate for kneeling and bending over.

Student Certificate Policy

It is New Communities’ policy to retain student certificates for three (3) years after the conclusion of a course. If you are attending a CRMA Recertification course, please bring a copy of your current CRMA certificate. CRMA 5-day and CRMA Recertification certificates can be downloaded and printed from the state’s website at:

Early Release

There may be times due to class size, student participation, and training requirements when students may be released earlier than indicated on the confirmation email. It is the responsibility of the student to notify their employer of any changes to the class schedule.

Storm Cancellations

Weather related cancellations are posted on our website at A recorded message announcing weather related cancellations is also available the day of class after 6:15 a.m. by calling 207-591-0751.

Other Cancellations

In the rare event that a course is cancelled not due to weather, the student will receive a phone call at the number provided during course registration informing them of the cancellation. Please be sure to leave an appropriate contact number during course registration.

Contact Information 

  Sharon Wyman


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